viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

Pizza Ovens: Everything You Didn't Know!

What characterizes pizza ovens is their shape.
Pizza is the most known food around the world, but the secret behind it is not the dough: it’s the baking process. A good oven can make a difference and, traditionally, Italians prefer the wood-burning ones, thanks to the flavoring and toasted look that the firewood gives. Electric ovens are practical and work perfectly in small places, but puritans think that wood-burning ovens are the best. However, many Italian restaurants around the world are using these because of their comfortable way of use.

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

¿Tu comida italiana es auténtica? ¡Atención a estas características!

Conoce las características de la verdadera cocina italiana.
La cocina italiana es una de las gastronomías más populares en el mundo. Muchos dicen que la pasta o la pizza son sus comidas preferidas pero, ya que estos deliciosos platos se han catapultado al mundo, sus recetas e ingredientes se han ido mezclando con los de cada país a donde han llegado y alterando su preparación.

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018

Focaccia Genovese: Do You Know it? Prepare it Yourself!

Learn how to prepare a classic Italian meal.
Focaccia Genovese is a traditional Italian flatbread that is consumed and prepared in the entire country, but it comes from Liguria, with Genoa as the main city. It is believed that Ligurians are the masters of focaccia, just like Napoletans are famous for their pizza. The name means “loaf” in Italian, while in Latin “focus” is fire; which gives the bread its meaning: an aromatic and inviting flatbread baked over a fire.

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2018

¿Cómo saber si la pasta está cocida? ¡Esto es lo que debes aprender!

Conocer el punto de cocción de la pasta es un arte que toma tiempo.
La pasta es una de las comidas más consumidas alrededor del mundo pero, como cualquier receta, tiene sus secretos y trucos para que quede al punto perfecto y sea un gran plato. Su preparación es relativamente sencilla y precisamente por ello muchos cometen errores simples a la hora de cocer tan sólo un puñado.

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018

5 Types of Cheese You Should Know Before You Start Cooking!

It is essential to know the different types of cheese.
Did you know that cheese is one of the most popular ingredients in the world? Most kitchens have at least a bit of it in their fridge, and it’s there for a reason. Many dishes have a bit of it or are created around the variety of flavors you can find. It’s one of the best alternatives to pair with wine, and it’s sure a healthy snack. But, what about the top 5 you need to know before cooking? Here we’ll break down the list for you!

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

How to Discard Used Oil Without Polluting Nature?

Did you know that used oil is also a polluting factor of the environment? 
Oil is a basic ingredient in the kitchen, we love fried food and even when sometimes it is not healthy, now you can find different presentations with good properties. But when frying bacon, turkey, chicken, or any meal, you will end up with used oil that you don’t know how to get rid of without contaminating the environment. Remember: saving the planet is vital, and for that, you need to be conscious of your disposals.

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

¿Qué NO debes hacer en un restaurante?

Por una razón u otra, es importante que evites estos comportamientos.
El negocio de la comida es uno de los más antiguos del mundo, pero la fama de los restaurantes ha ido aumentando conforme las ciudades se han ido expandiendo, hasta convertirse en las grandes urbes de hoy en día (aunque este crecimiento no se detiene). Debido a este ritmo de vida tan rápido que llevamos, comer afuera se ha vuelto algo rutinario de al menos una vez a la semana.

Pizza Ovens: Everything You Didn't Know!

What characterizes pizza ovens is their shape. Pizza is the most known food around the world, but the secret behind it is not the dough...